
Who I am.

Hey I'm Juan Carielo, Solutions Engineer working at Acquia.

I worked with Drupal, a Content Management System (CMS), using Acquia Cloud to manage and host websites, in addition to some DevOps works.

The beginning I studied MVC, then started to work with frameworks like CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel and Symfony also databases modeling with MySQL and MongoDB.

Handling to created small features to use data with NodeJS like CSV, for example a web scraping using Python and Selenium to treating a content to JSON format and then performed some importations, this was a challenge cool.

Exercises to lead a healthy life and trying to read some books for self development.

Regularly I'm studying about software engineering and learning other languages like JavaScript and Python to discover new things. But now, I'm focusing on learning more about business to improve myself in the area.

Enjoy and thanks for the visit.